Let women rise!


Women and men from local NGOs and organizations trained by us, so-called RAIN WORKERS, let "knowledge rain" in their communities for young and old. They educate about planned pregnancies = family planning and sexual & reproductive health and rights, as well as HIV/AIDS prevention and the risks of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM).

🎥▶️ THE RAIN WORKERS-Impact Video: The Video shows in a touching way in 8 minutes what we stand for and what our educational work produces.

Knowledge as a Chance

... is the name of our holistic educational program. Through the educational work of the RAIN WORKERS, we strive to give people with little chance of education, access to knowledge. In this way, women's health is protected, their rights are strengthened, and families can avoid the poverty trap.

Specifically, we focus on knowledge about family planning (= planned pregnancies), sexual and reproductive health and rights, HIV/AIDS prevention, and education about the risks of female genital mutilation (FGM).

Birth Spacing

Mothers learn what interval between two pregnancies is necessary for the health of their child and themselves, and the importance of timely contraception.

Planned pregnancies

Every woman has a right to self-determination over her body! This includes deciding whether, at what age, and how often she wants to become pregnant.

Stop Female Genital Mutilation

Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is a traditional, patriarchal practice that oppresses women. Our education helps to end this life-threatening, forbidden practice.

No chance for HIV/AIDS

This and other sexually transmitted diseases can be life-threatening. RAIN WORKERS explain how prevention works and the importance of condoms and testing.

Family planning and children's rights and needs

Every child has a right to love, education, health and sufficient nutrition. In a family, this is only possible if it can provide for itself.

A good life for all

RAIN WORKERS contribute to this with their educational work. They fight poverty, promote education and health, push for gender equality, and work cooperatively. In this way, they implement human and children's rights and the SDGs.

How to become a RAIN WORKER
RAIN WORKERS are the "bridge builders" of THE RAIN WORKERS: they are the link between the educational program "Knowledge as a Chance" and the people in their communities! () Their heart beats for healthy development in their society!

We initiate change!

"I wish I had known all this earlier - it would have saved my family from poverty." A 7-minutes-documentary shows the impact of the THE RAIN WORKERS-educational work. THE RAIN WORKERS trainers, RAIN WORKERS and course participants tell touching stories about their work experiences, current challenges, observed changes - new perspectives.

The women and men describe how much "Knowledge as a Chance" has changed their lives or would have if they had only been exposed to it earlier. Young people are particularly impressive in describing why our work will impact their future. Created by Kenyan filmmaker and anti-FGM activist Sonyanga Ole N'Gais (English with German subtitles).

🎥▶️ Link to watch: The RAIN WORKERs Impact Video


Complex knowledge "easy to touch and grasp".

Dr. Maria Hengstberger, THE RAIN WORKERS (former Aktion Regen) founder and gynecologist, has been developing vivid, memorable, and easy-to-grasp teaching and learning materials, the TEACHING TOOLS, since 1989. They are the centerpiece of our educational program, “Knowledge as a Chance”. The "BIG FIVE TEACHING TOOLS" help overcome taboos, increase awareness and knowledge about sexuality and reproductive health. They promote dialogues in partnerships about responsible sexual behavior, contraception, and family planning, push for the end of harmful practices such as FGM, and empower women. The TOOLS are used by RAIN WORKERS and trainers of our partner NGOs in African countries for educational activities - and they are also used in the Global North by doctors, sex educators and midwives for knowledge transfer.

Cycle Tool "The Baby Necklace"

For knowledge about the female cycle and cycle awareness, especially for teenagegirls.

🎥▶️ Click here & Learn more in our Cycle TOOL Video

birth spacing Tool

RAIN WORKERS explain everything necessary about birth spacing, mother infant health & contraception.

🎥▶️ Learn more in our birth spacing Tool Video

uterus Tool

The uterus TOOL for pregnancy, contraception and STDs awareness.

🎥▶️ Click here & Learn more in our uterus Tool-Video

The Clitoris - Tool

This TOOLS is very important for our anti-FGM education.

🎥▶️ CLick here & Learn more in our birth spacing Tool Video

"Why Family Planning?" Tool

This tool is always the beginning of any training on family planning. It explains in a simple and impressive way family planning as economic and psychosocial life planning with intersections to human rights.

🎥▶️ Click here & Learn more in our Why-Family-Planning-Tool Video

Training folder and course poster

The didactic basis for training is the workshop folder created in 2013 and revised in 2020. Versions in English, French, Amharic and Arabic have been prepared.

12 course posters compactly, concisely and clearly underline the most important or sensitive topics of "Knowledge as a Chance" in French, English and Swahli.

Get to know RAIN WORKERS!

Catherine Nyongesa

Catherine Nyongesa is now a RAIN WORKER trainer at DESECE. The video was recorded in Jan 2022, in November 2022 she did the trainer training 🤩.

David Juma

David Juma is a RAIN WORKER Supervisor with the NGO DESECE in Bungoma, Kenya.

Lilian Chacha

Lilian Chacha is a Senior RAIN WORKER with the NGO Make Me Smile Kenya (MMSK) in Kisumu, Kenya.

Robert Partis

Robert Partis, meanwhile, is a RAIN WORKER supervisor at DESECE.

How The RAIN WORKERs empowers girls, women and families

"Knowledge as a Chance lifts up our societies!", or "The education programme 'Knowledge as a Chance' lifts up and strengthens our societies!", said the newly graduated RAIN WORKER Leah from Tanzania once.

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